So, I've finally pieced the 36 blocks together, just finished as Stefani left for the day. At this point the quilt will measure about 48" x 48". I think that's too small. I have enough strips left over (I saved the repeat strips from the jelly roll to use for the binding) that I think I can make an additional 12 squares (16 pieces each square). That would make the quilt more like 48" x 60" - I think that will be better.
This jelly roll has been in my stash for awhile. It's Paula Nadelstern's Palindromes line from Benartex. She also designed the fabric I used for purses last fall. LOVE the jewel tones of this one. I also used a jelly roll of whites (lots of different whites here).
I penciled out the design on graph paper and I'm happy with the layout - just don't think the square size will be enough.
I've wanted to do a half-square triangle layout for awhile. I must remember to remind myself HOW MANY POINTS HAVE TO BE JUST RIGHT here. Actually, I learned to double check my 1/4" seams to make sure they were correct. The seams (so far) have come together nicely. But then, look how many seams must meet just so, with joining all of these blocks!
I need a rest! Today I cut out a fleece top for Nan, a fleece vest with hoodie for Carin and still have a long sleeve jacket with hoodie for Stefani to cut. Can anyone say "crazy"? I think these will be quick though (I hope). I'll let you know tomorrow.